
BOE Overview

Board of Education

The Hicksville Public Schools Board of Education is comprised of seven trustees who are elected to a three year term. Each member of the Board serves on the Board voluntarily and receives no compensation. Members of the Board are committed to ensuring that the children of our community receive a quality education and the district meets their fiduciary responsibility to the tax payers of our community. The Board has complete and final control over local school matters subject only to limitations imposed by state law, regulations of the State Commissioner of Education, and the will of the local residents as determined in district elections. The Board collaborates with the superintendent, staff, community, and the State Education Department to discharge a broad range of responsibilities.

We encourage residents to attend our monthly Board of Education committee and regular meetings. The dates of the meetings are listed on the district website and in the school calendar. The agendas for Board meetings are included on our website, along with the minutes for the meetings once they have been approved by the Board.

Regular Board Meetings

One regular School Board business meeting is held each month. Meeting dates and locations are listed in the school calendar, posted at the public library, district schools and listed on the district Website. Seated at the table with the Board are the Superintendent of Schools and the Assistant Superintendents for Business, Curriculum and Instruction, and Personnel. Also present at the meetings are the District Clerk and School Attorney. The Board conducts the meetings in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order (Parliamentary Procedure).


The Board President presides over the meeting and adheres to the agenda. Many of the action and business items have already been discussed by the Board at the previous committee meetings and often do not require discussion. No one person or group of persons acts in the name of the Board of Education unless authorized by the Board by vote to represent the Board. When any item of business comes before the Board in the form of a motion, it is necessary for at least four votes be cast in favor of the motion for it to pass and before action may be taken.

Community Participation

The agenda includes two opportunities for residents to speak. The first opportunity is designated for agenda items only while the second opportunity may be for other matters. Community residents are asked to direct their question to the Board through the Board president.

Committee Meetings

Committee meetings are held each month for the following areas: Curriculum, Safety, Communication Advisory, Special Education Advisory, Finance, Policy and Facilities. Board Trustees are appointed annually as chairpersons for each committee and an Assistant Superintendent serves as administrative chair; in addition, members of the Board serve on each committee. These meetings provide an opportunity for the Board to study and discuss topics in depth, receive in-put from colleagues, participate in presentations from the administration, and review items to be acted on at future meetings. Members of the community are invited by the Chair to ask questions during each committee meeting. Individuals may participate from their seat. Follow up questions are permitted if there is sufficient time.

Executive Sessions

Prior to the regular Board meeting held each month, the Board of Education meets in Executive Session to discuss matters of personnel, labor negotiations, advice from counsel and other matters defined by the Open Meeting Law of New York State as confidential. These sessions are closed to the public. The regular Board meeting usually begins with an Executive Session followed by the open public meeting at 8:30 p.m.

We sincerely appreciate community interest in the district and hope to see you at future Board of Education meetings.