
MS students enjoy games during lunch period

MS students enjoy games during lunch period
Posted on 12/04/2023

Hicksville Middle School students are enjoying spending time during their lunch period playing games and engaging with members of the school’s leadership team and fellow classmates. Since the beginning of the school year, middle school administrators have been hosting different opportunities in the school’s Maker Space Room encouraging student involvement after they have eaten lunch.

So far this year, students have been able to take on principal Ben Tangney in Connect Four tournaments and have challenged assistant principals Jon Silkowitz and Todd Wallace in games of chess. Hicksville Middle School Assistant Principal Jon Silkowitz remarked it’s amazing how good some of the students are at playing chess, he continued, “They come to win!”

More games, crafts and activities are planned throughout December with other members of the school’s leadership team.

MS Lunch Games

MS Lunch Games

MS Lunch Games