Academic Intervention Services
Academic Intervention Services are provided to students who score below the State-designated performance levels on State assessments and/or who are at risk of not achieving the State Learning Standards. Presently, this score for students in grades 3-8 is a proficiency level of 1 or 2 and 65% for High School Regents exams required for graduation.
These services include additional instruction that is provided before and after school, during the school day or during the summer, that supplement the general curriculum. Students in grades 4-8 are scheduled for Academic Intervention Services during the school day. High School students are scheduled for Academic Intervention Services through AIS Lab periods for designated subjects in English, Math, Social Studies and Science.
Summer School is offered to students in Grade 6 who attend the Grade 6 Summer Academy, for students in grades 7-8 for English and Math and for Social Studies and Science which is taught through an interdisciplinary model through English and for students in grades 9-12 for core academic subjects.
Evening High School is offered to individual seniors who may be credit deficient in fulfilling graduation requirements.
The focus of Academic Intervention Services is providing support in meeting NYS Learning Standards within the Common Core, additional learning opportunities to strengthen basic skills in core content areas in order to improve student performance on State assessments and to provide a risk free environment for students to reach and exceed their learning potential.