Hicksville Public School District is comprised of seven elementary schools, a middle school and a high school with a total square footage of approximately 759,000 square feet and total acreage of 130 acres. The Board of Education and Administration have been dedicated to preserving and maintaining the facilities of the district to ensure a safe working and learning environment for students and staff, as well as protecting the investment of the taxpayers. Since 2002, the District has invested more than $50 million in its facilities. The majority of these expenditures were in areas such as roofing, HVAC, plumbing, masonry, doors and windows.
In 2009, the District developed a five year Energy Efficiency Plan which identified improvements designed to reduce our carbon footprint as well as reduce future heating and electricity expenditures. As of the 2011-12 school year, the District has set aside funds for the implementation of the first two years of the plan.